The RS3: Possibly the most perfect entry level BMX ever built. Because of its easy going, well rounded handling the RS3 is equally at home in the street, on the trails or around the track. Features: Group 1 tri-moly frame, chromoly fork, Group 1 cold forged stem, Group 1 pro style bars, Dia Compe MX 890/Tech 6 braking, Cheng Shen tyres, alloy rims, Viscount Dominator saddle, chromoly one-piece crank. The RS3L: Versatility at no extra charge.
Headset Size
Seatpost Size
Top Tube Size
Original Colours
86XX0000 87YY0000
Made in Taiwan.
Here's how to check your Haro BMX serial number. First 2 numbers in the serial indicates year of production (1986 or 1987). Numbers indicated by XX in the serial are Month (05 - 12 - May to Dec). YY in the serial indicates production Month (01 to 04 - Jan to April).
Bikes made in Taiwan usually had an 8 month production and shipping timeline before they were sold in bike shops around the world. In May of any year, factories would usually switch production to making models for the following year.