The FX-2 (Fuzz Extreme) is a step below the master's bike. The frame is tested and bullet proof. The head set is big, beefy and beyond reproach. Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
NOTE - Decal colours were changed on this model after the catalogue was printed. The production bike decals were blue and yellow not black and yellow shown.
Headset Size
1 1/8"
Seatpost Size
Top Tube Size
Original Colours
HFGX000000 HFHY000000
Made in Taiwan.
Fourth Letter in the serial indicates year of production (1997 or 1998). X in the example above indicates production Month (E to L - May to Dec). Y in the example above indicates production Month (A to D - Jan to April).
Bikes made in Taiwan usually had an 8 month production and shipping timeline before they were sold in bike shops around the world. In May of any year, factories would usually switch production to making models for the following year.